06 December 2009


sometimes we have a jobs to do it...n sometimes we just try on it....sometimes we can't do it what ever in your minds....sometimes we have to find a good job...n sometimes we bored on the jobs n make a decision to find a new jobs...sometimes the job is the mood n do it correctly....so be a brainiac action on our jobs because is a life what we have to do it n lastly to find a great life or family to consider what we have to make it...n live it whatever you want...so do it consistantly in our jobs...

kerjaya??!! aper korang taw ttg kerjaya?? mybe it is important or not?? bagi remaja zaman skrng mybe it is not important sgt...right?? bg remaja yg da boleh berfikir dan tnpa menghabiskan beras mak ayah it is right...dan kerjaya dpt menaikan pengalaman seseorang...drpd melepak xtentu pasal mcm org giler....yela kot!! hahakzz....selalunyer dowg akan cari nfkah sendiri xkirer ler sesaper pon...bak bujang ker duda ker...jnda ker ank dare lg ker....sumer status tu pnting....jgn disbbkan ilmu yg cetek jer kiter da mengalah dgn sume tu...don't ever ever we lose with the knowledge...

sebenarnyer perjalanan kiter masih jauh...xkire ler dunia nie daa nk hancur ker aper ker...ya'juj dan ma'juj da dtg ker....dajjal daa kuar ker....yg pnting sekali knowledge mesti ade...n keimanan seseorg tu perlu lah ade for the besides knowledge about islamic people....kerana kerjaya pn byk halangannyer juge...jd lah org yg bergune pd agame...bngsa...dan masyarakat sendiri sebagai rujukan yg paling ideal dlm hidup....dan xluper juge dgn panduan islam yg kiter ade selame nie....for the good reason is...ALLAH MAHA KAYA...dan lg 1 is....HOLY AL-QURAN.....there was a good foundation n reason supaya kiter success in our life....

bg aku....kerjaya bknnyer mudah....dan bkn senang utk berjaya...bg org yg berjaya...tahniah!! sbb kecekalan dowg dlm mengharungi kerjaya masing2....it is a good yah....so may a pray to god n catch our things in knowledge....berjaya lah anda dlm hidup...INSYA'ALLAH....

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